Health and Safety

Health & Safety, Our first priority

Faithdean is dedicated to providing the safest working environment possible for all our employees, sub-contractors, clients and the public. In order to do this, we work in accordance with the externally-audited standards set out by the company’s ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 accreditations.

We employ dedicated and professionally qualified Health & Safety Managers, to provide technical advice and support to all levels of staff and to conduct regular on-site audits, ensuring high safety performance levels are achieved and maintained.

We hold the following accreditations:

  • Health & Safety: BS EN ISO 45001:2018
  • Quality: BS EN ISO 9001:2015
  • Environmental: BS EN ISO 14001:2015

In addition to the above, Faithdean is an approved contractor for the following:  Constructionline Facilitiesline Gold, Acclaim SSIP, Achilles, Safe Contractor, CLOCS, FIS and NHBC. The company also subscribes to the CCS Scheme (Considerate Constructors Scheme) on a site by site basis ‘aiming to improve the image of the construction industry by striving to promote and achieve best practices’.

Training forms an integral part of the company’s management strategy, therefore all levels of staff are provided with appropriate training to enable them to perform the various roles and duties. Training needs are regularly reviewed to ensure that the company meets and surpasses all statutory requirements.

Our integrated management system is compliant with Occupational Health & Safety Series BS EN ISO 45001:2018